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Self Esteem

Essay by   •  November 13, 2010  •  444 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,581 Views

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Positive Self-Esteem: Necessary?

Low self-esteem is one of the worst problems teenagers suffer from. We live in a society where one has to 'fit in' or 'be cool'. If we don't wear the right clothes, with the right labels, we are called 'losers'. Today's young women don't look anyone in the eyes anymore because we are taught to be ashamed of who we are. We are taught that being different is wrong.

How can the world expect it's children to be successful if it doesn't care enough to help raise their self-esteem. If one is afraid of being labeled a 'freak' how can they step outside of the box and enter a world of endless possibilities? Many never do. If our low self-esteem allows us to believe we aren't good enough, or smart enough, to go to college, how will become a successful adult in workforce of increasingly higher educated workers? For this reason and more, it is apparent that having a positive self-esteem is essential to one's happiness.

Through out my life, I have experienced many trials. Going through family problems and the problems of a typical teenager, I developed a very low self-esteem. Not only did I become less involved in school, allowing my grades to drop, but, I also began closing people out. When you are afraid someone won't find you good enough, you stop sharing everything with them, good or bad. You become someone who is so terrified of being found lacking, that you stop trying, so that you can't fail.

Although I suffered from very low self-esteem for a few years, allowing myself to push others away before they could push me away, I've become a better person now. A very close friend of mine helped me regain my positive self-esteem and I am a much happier person because of it. Instead of hiding in my room, I'm involved in everything from coaching cheerleading and Art club to organizing clothing



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