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Essay by   •  July 16, 2011  •  859 Words (4 Pages)  •  3,862 Views

Essay Preview: Skydiving

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Speech Title: SKYDIVING

Presented by: Nataly Soto

Specific purpose: To inform my audience on some tips before doing the first skydiving.

Thesis Statement: It’s not easy to figure out how to go about making your first skydiving jump.


I. Attention Material: Lets say that some people like to spice things up a bit and what a better way than doing it by jumping out of a plane! Maybe skydiving has been a dream to many of us. But we aren’t so sure about doing since there isn’t much knowledge about it

II. Relevance to the audience: Maybe skydiving has been a dream to many of you. But aren’t so sure about doing it since there isn’t much knowledge about it.

III. Credibility material: Two years ago, I was tired of always doing the same things on a weekend, so I decided that enough is enough, and I got interested in skydiving. I gather the information I needed. And next thing I knew, I was jumping out of an airplane. And let me tell you it’s fun!

IV. Thesis Statement: It’s not easy to figure out how to go about making your first skydiving jump.

V. Preview: I will explain three basics things which includes, being aware of the risks, some of the requirements of skydiving, how to go about looking for a drop zone.

[Transition: I’ll start by informing how safe is skydiving]


1. 1st main point: According to, Skydiving is not ten-pin bowling.

There are some very real risks involved but as with any other "extreme" sport out there.

A. Statistics can be manipulated to tell you whatever you want to hear. They can be manipulated to make skydiving look very safe or very dangerous.

1. The USPA (united states parachute association) over a 10 year period reports an average of about 35 skydiving fatalities per year in the USA. Now remember Skydivers make hundreds of thousands of jumps each year

B. Skydiving accidents rarely result from equipment failure or bad luck

1. This is due largely to the design of skydiving equipment used for students and the quality of instruction and care provided at most skydiving schools.

2. All parachutes are designed for reliability, but student gear is also designed to be easy to use and forgiving.

[Transition: Now that I have discussed how safe is skydiving, I will inform of some of the requirements that skydiving demands]

2: 2nd Main point: According to, In the USA, all skydivers must meet the USPA's Basic Safety Requirements for medical fitness, age, and testing.

A. You have to be in good health and physical condition to skydive and should not be on medication which could affect judgment or performance.

1. Make sure to mention any heart conditions or episodes of blackouts.

2. If you have recently gone SCUBA diving or donated blood, you may have to wait a few days.

B. Age is another requirement that Again this varies from one country to the next

1. In the USA minors who are at least 16 years of age and have notarized parental or guardian consent may be allowed to participate in some training programs at some schools, according to state and school policies.

2. The person providing consent for a minor may be required to observe all pre-jump instruction. Most commonly, schools require all participants to be at least 18.

C. Once you've completed your ground training



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