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Social Issues

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10 Mistakes guys make with women ;;

Mistake #1 - Being too much of a 'Nice Guy'

Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted to 'nice' guys ?

Of course you have.

I'm sure that most males have had attrative female friends that always seem to date 'jerks', but for some rason they were never romantically interested in them.

What's going on here ? It's actually very simple.

Women don't base their choices of men on how 'nice' a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful gut level attraction for them.

And guess what ?

Being nice doesn't make a woman feel that powerful attaction. Being nice doesn't make a woman choose you.

This doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to accept, but get over it. Until you accept this fact and begin to act on it, you'll never have the success with women that you want.

Mistake #2 - Trying to convince her to like you

What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they really like, she's just not interested ? They try to convince the woman to feel differently.

Newsflash, you will never change how a woman fee;s when it comes to attraction. Never. You cannot convince a woman to feel differently about you with logic and reasoning.

Think about it.

If a woman doesn't feel it for you, how in the world do you expect to change that feeling by being reasonable with her ?

We all do it. When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, pled, chase, and do our best to change her mind.

Bad idea, one that will never work.

Mistake #3 - Looking to her for approval or permission

In your desire to please women (which you mistakingly think will make us like you), you guys are always doing things to get a woman's approval or permission.

Another horrible idea. Women are never attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them, ever.

Don't get me wrong here. You don't have to treat women badly for them to like you. But if you think that treating a women well means always getting her approval and permission for things, think again.

You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get annoyed at men who seek their approval.

Doubt me ? Just ask any attractive woman if wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her.

Mistake #4 - Trying to buy her affection with food and gifts

How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her reject you for someone who didn't treat her half as well as you did?

It's only natural when this happens. That's right, NATURAL. When you do these things, you send a clear message:

'I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection.'

Your good intentions usually come across to woman as over=compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation.

Mistake #5 - Sharing how you feel too early in the relationship with her

Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they feel too early.

Attractive women are rare. And they get a lot of attention from men. Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one or another all the time.

An attractive women is often approached several times a day by men who are interested. This translates into dozens of times per week, and often hundreds of times per month.

And guess what ? Atrractive women usually have dated a lot of men. Exactly, they have experience. They know what to expect.

Ont things that turns an attractive woman off and sends her running away faster then just about anything is a guy who starts saying 'You know I really, really, like you' after one or two dates.

This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast, and can't control themselves.

Don't do it. Lean back and relax. There's a much better way.

Mistake #6 - Getting how attraction works for women

Women are very different from men when it comes to attraction. You need to accept this fact and deal with it.

When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he instantly feels a sexual attraction.

But does the same apply to women ? Do women feel sexual attraction to men based monstly on looks ? Or is something else going on ?

After looking at this for a while, I can tell you that us women usually have our attraction mechanisms triggered by things other then looks.

Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and un attractive men with beautiful women the the other way around ?

Think about it. Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men, and they're attracted to the way a man makes them feel then they are to looks alone.

If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you, that you feel when you see a hot, sexy, young woman.

It's not an accident. You have to learn how to do this. Any guy can learn how.




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