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Sourcing Manager

Essay by   •  January 11, 2011  •  2,614 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,448 Views

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Introduction of the organization Page 2

HRD Strategy Page 3 - 4

Challenges faced in Human Resource process Page 4 - 5

How HRD helps organization Page 6 - 7

How HRD helps employees Page 7 - 8

Conclusion Page 9

Reference Page 10 - 11

Bibliography Page 12

Describe the human resource development (HRD) process and critically examine how HRD programmers can help organization and its employees to remain competitive in their business.


The Galvin Brothers Paul and Joseph founded Company M in 1928. They first invented the company called the “ Galvin Manufacturing Corporation” in United States of America. Their first product which they have invented was a “battery eliminator” which allowed the used of current without batteries.

Company M has made a profit of cars radios under the brand name “M” in 1930s. In 1936, it entered into the a field of radio communication with the product called “Police Cruiser” which consist of an AM automobile radio that was able to set a frequency to receive police broadcast.

Daniel Nobel who was a pioneer in FM radio communication and semiconductor joined in as a director of research in 1940, the company soon establishes its business and it name. In 1941, it changes it name from “Galvin Manufacturing to Company “M” and it become the world’s leading electronic and telecom Goods Company.

In 1947, Company M entered the television market; it first launched its research & development in Arizona to explore potential of invented transistor.

It becomes a commercial producer and supplier of semiconductors to another manufacturer. It began manufacturing in to look for customers outside industry.

It opens an office in Japan to promote customers and supplier relationship with Japanese.

Company M emerged as a leader in military, space and commercial communication in 1959, and expanded into international markets in 1960. During 1967-1978, company M has set up plants in many countries around the world.

Company M is a global leader in providing communication and electronic products is also know as the top training company in the world, by providing the best training to its employees around the world.


Two factors that would have influence the HRD strategy are the increasing use of new advance information technologies to help the business to grow and success; competitive environment also would influence the HRD.

Organization needs to enhance information technology to improve the organization efficiency and reduce organization cost. Not technology itself, but the way information technology is thoroughly integrated into major business processes that represent the greatest oppunitunity for successful transformation of outdated business processes (Davenport, 1993).

The use of new technology would help the organization to improve its internal business performance and prevent on human error. HRD enable employees to use the technology to improve the organization goals.

Due to the changing market condition, organizations need to maintain their leadership position to help them that human resource are the ultimately the only business resource with the creativity and adaptive power to sustain and renew an organization’s success. (Toeeaco, 1993).

Developing employee expertise at all levels of the organization and using knowledge as a catalyst for growth and competitive advantage represents a major frontier in organization performance that is now beginning to be appreciated (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross and Smith, 1994: Nevis, DiBella and Gould, 1995).

In Company M, HRD strategy policy has to be responsibility for the organization and make sure the organization would have the right numbers of people with the right skills at an appropriate time to meet the organization expectation. The purpose of HRD strategy in Company M is to help the organization to maintain the their strengths and improve the organization weakness.

Different types of organizational would produce a different of strategies in growth, retrenchment, stability and combination for the employees, but in Company M, the HR has to play a role in helping the employers to create a relationship with the employees, which need the involvement of employees. With the involvement of employees, it helps the organization to achieve the business goals and objectives.

The main aim for Company M strategy is to attract and retain talent employees that know the organization cultures and preference, which enable them to get new customers and consumers to create an acceptance in the competitive society.


Company M has been training the employees since 1920 and it has always been an important factor for organization to grow. Employees that being hired into Company M have to make sure they perform their duties and make full use of their skills and knowledge to achieve quality.

During 1970, Company M faced a big problem, when economic change and advance technology and manufacturing competition become stiff when Japanese companies are catching up in the United States markets.

At that time, human resource department decided to conducted a test on the employees and realized that training and education is important due to the changing times in the markets as most of the employees learned their works from their seniors through trial and error method.

Employees are unable to understand product instruction and are unable to do a simple calculation like percentage and fractions.

Employees have to perform set tasks which does not required the employees to do much thinking, if their problem in the machines, a trouble-shooter will be called in to fix the machine. 1979, HR has implement a five-year training plan to upgrade skills of employees, however the plan with he new tools, technology and



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