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Spring All All

Essay by   •  April 12, 2011  •  416 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,337 Views

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"Now the grass, tomorrow the stiff curl of wild carrot leaf" is an obvious contrast. It means that in the present time, the newborn grass may thrive; however, tomorrow, the strong vitality of "wild" carrot will still wear out. Again the representation of the life and death of nature is seen here.

As the poem finally reaches its climatic point, spring arrives, and it is now apparent - "One by one objects are defined-- It quickens: clarity, outline of leaf." Williams at last introduces a definite sign of springtime. The final line of the poem deepens the promising and potential sense of hope- "Still, the profound change has come upon them: rooted they grip down and begin to awaken." By "rooted" we can assume that things have begun to grow - symbolizing the rebirth of nature through spring.

Fundamentally, this poem explains the elegance and gradualness of spring's arrival. Spring is the close of the harsh cold and the beginning of a new birth in terms of nature. The author seems to make several correlations between spring and birth. He suggests this with the words "hospital" and "they enter the new world naked, cold, uncertain of all save that they enter," both relating to birth. Similarly, as I explained with earlier examples, winter is linked with death.

Williams uses quite a lot of vivid imagery in this poem. Even though he is initially describing a sad, bleak winter, he uses a lot of color reference - "blue," "brown," "... purplish... reddish." A lot of his word usages in the beginning of the poem are not precise. He uses words like "mottled," "muddy," "scattering," "purplish," "reddish," "twiggy," "stuff." Despite these references, his depictions of the scene remain exact and intentionally illustrative.

I think he also



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