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Student Survival Guide

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Student Survival Guide

University of Phoenix вЂ" Axia College

This student survival guide is a tool that will be used for every class taken at Axia College. The study guide compiles all relevant information learned in Skills for Learning in an Information Age. The survival guide is broken down into six unique categories: using Axia’s educational resources, upholding academic honesty, setting and achieving goals, managing time wisely, fostering reading comprehension and retention and applying personality and learning styles.

Learning in an Information Age introduced students to downloading files from Axcess to the personal computer for later use. This process is seamlessly easy for a computer literate individual. Downloading the files is necessary in order to print or save onto a flash drive for later use. Additionally some forms in the course were Microsoft Word documents pre-filled with tables that needed to be submitted as an assignment.

The university library is an exemplary tool for use by the student. This library parallels a traditional library, but in a digital form. The library is easily searchable for books, article, and scholarly papers to use as reference in writing papers. After finding an article that is relevant to the information one is looking for, there is certain points of interest, key information, in the articles. The information is needed in order to cite the article correctly. One will find the author of the article, date the article or book was written and specific magazine or publication the article was in.

Axia’s academic honesty policy is straight forward and to the point. Individuals using the online library, online consultation with faculty and registration system must do so with honesty and integrity. Furthermore, students are required to reference work from its original source and avoid plagiarism at all costs. The consequence of plagiarism is ultimately removal from school. This is an understandable consequence for such an action. There is nothing worse than theft of another writings while in school. This is easily construed and cheating. Understandably Axia will not tolerate this action.

Avoiding plagiarism is fairly easy. One could summarize the author’s word into their own words and submit this information. Even better, one could give the author the recognition he deserves and add the citation to the paper and include the author and book information in the bibliography. With the University of Phoenix having plagiarism consequences in place, it would probably be easiest to just give credit where credit is due and cite the information needed. The unfortunate thing is that an author would not get credit for his own work by a student who plagiarizes. An author should have the same rights as a person whom is granted a patent for an idea that one creates.

While in class there were goals set. Long-term and short-term goals are a relevant part for planning the future. Long-term goals are broken down into shorter term goals in order the show progress towards the long-term goals. Keeping the goals in focus is necessary. Whether ones goals are financial, family, or school related if the goal is set by an individual it must be important enough to work towards. After completion of a goal, one should create new goals. The new goals should follow the same format. Eventually there will be obstacles while heading towards ones goals. Obstacles must not knock one off track. Goals lead to major life achievements. Major life achievements lead to ultimate happiness for the individual who attains them. One must remember that in a long-term goal, obstacles will happen. The obstacle needs to be addressed and set aside.

Getting a degree at Axia College must be a goal or the classes would not have been statd. One need to make some shorter goals as: getting A’s in this block of classes or not taking any time off school. The completion of these short-term goals will make the long-term goals more reasonable.

Balancing time between course works at Axia is relatively easy. The classes are set up so material is due on different days for different classes. While submitting an assignment for class “A” one could respond to discussion questions in another class. This method will assist in getting participation and attendance points.

A tough part of online schooling for an adult is juggling work, family and schoolwork. There are priorities in everyone’s life. These items need to be prioritized in order of importance and must be stuck to. School-work is important, but if ones full-time job suffers, there is no money for school. These items are touch and need to be prioritized on a case-by-case basis.

An important part about online learning is prioritizing and avoiding time-wasters.



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