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Student Survival Guide

Essay by   •  July 14, 2011  •  1,012 Words (5 Pages)  •  976 Views

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Using Axia’s Educational Resources

The most important educational resources at Axia are the class syllabus and the class calendar. I need to be sure to print out the calendar and syllabus for each class. This makes them an easier reference when planning your day.

The University Library has many useful research tools and online books. I should utilize this resource when doing anything that involves research. I should use it to begin my research since I know anything found here will be accurate.

Any course material should be downloaded to both my home computer and my Pocket PC. If I have a local copy on my home PC then I can do my work whether or not my internet connection is functional. If I keep a copy on my pocket PC then I can review my class material at any time during my day. This is a productive way to spend lunch time and any down time while on the job.

The Center for Writing Excellence is another resource I should try harder to utilize. Though I may think my paper looks good it never hurts to get suggestions.

Upholding Academic Honesty

I need to make sure to review the proper ways to reference unoriginal material on my papers. I need to learn to utilize them instead of avoiding referencing material altogether.

I need to do my own work all of the time. This should go without saying. Turning in work that isn’t your own, but you pass it off as such, is plagiarism. It doesn’t matter if you stole it or paid somebody to write for you.

I should always finish my writing early enough to run my paper through Axia’s Plagiarism checker. Though I may think my work is original there are occasions where I may accidentally plagiarize material. The plagiarism checker is a good way to avoid that.

It would be a good idea to periodically review Axia’s academic honesty policy. Not only would this be a good idea for the sake of knowing the rules, but the consequences are motivation to do the above steps to avoid accidentally plagiarizing material.

Setting and Achieving Goals

My long term goals have been set in my mind for years now. What I need to work on is staying motivated while taking the steps to achieve those goals. I need to remember that a few years of school is small compared to the rest of my life.

I need to try harder to avoid obstacles. If an obstacle cannot be avoided then I need to find better ways to move through them. I should designate an area for school work and tell my family that when I’m there I am not to be disturbed. When I am in that area I should put all distractions out of reach, such as: guitars, phones, game controllers, and CD’s.

I need to keep reminding myself of what it will mean to have my degree. I have been working in dead end jobs for way too long now. I need to remember that the only way out is with a degree. I have a wife and a three year old son who are depending on me.

Managing Time Wisely

The toughest part of school for me is also working full time and being a full time parent. These are tough because each of them are extremely important and leave little room for mistakes. What makes it even harder is that my schedule at work can change in a moment’s notice. This makes establishing a routine very difficult, especially with a three year old.




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