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Team Dynamics

Essay by   •  November 16, 2010  •  1,318 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,593 Views

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Conflict resolution strategies

The conflict resolution is many different factors, the situation and makes the law. How do each people have the idea to conflict, should be solved. But before then some people become the part and understood that anything is the team, any manner resolution, by the proof will possibly be difficult. On this spot, the dynamic team plays the role. Have many aspects, by team's power. An aspect, some successful team, is the conflict resolution means. The conflict is a one kind of nature life part. Each people will face a conflict, in some spot. How people are processes the conflict, this will decide whether they do succeed, or achieves your goal. This is suitable in working as work team also. Through the determination different strategy conflict resolution as well as determined that these conflicts the early time, the team will often profit, by each way from the conflict will be the effective addressing. First, people must understand team component members' different background, experience, education, intelligence and ability. These differences, from suitable to have the different view essentially, in trade, its question and solution, thus causes the conflict the team. Conflict already has more and individual style, compared to real issue. The team leaders call some people the person, and should have the essential intelligence, solves the specific problem, in point of fact did not consider considered solves the question way, or the cognitive style, to is involved in a case individual.

When manages selects an advanced individual group, how should place various member nations with emphasis to bring the team, for example, if a member demonstrates the talent in a specific domain, but the manner ", gets rid the way, or obtains runs over, "the team should be a balanced independent person is little advances recklessly. The person must have one kind of control factor, permissible value "the team "will not weaken. This will bring the cohesive force, between the member only emphasizes an individual .If aggressive individual still did not have a balanced factor, this group will lose which other members does the advantage have to provide. This is most important choice diversification individual association indicated that will keep in balance mutually. The good leader chooses the correct member is a start merely. The teamwork cannot request. Each person must participation discuss, and knows is anything, the goal is anything, requests them. The team should have such special characteristic, takes the objective and the goal, the authorization, the trust, real participation, innovation, creativity, risk and leadership.

But found very good balanced, the conflict will nearly definitely appear. Conflict resolution's strategy, must certainly perform to use, is the team, can effective and the nimble adaptation goal and the goal, their duty. These conflicts will be possibly more obvious, in certain type's troop because more compared to others. The conflict is common, when work team. There is must have the team conference more important, has established the latent question and the difference, and prepares to support his troop finally decision. In conflict resolution, asks "How do people have repeatedly this event? "The first matter wants objectively. This is advantageous to the management conflict, the diplomatic group team member's key question, already at present.

To solve each kind of conflict solution strategy diligently, we must first know a spot about the team itself. These member including from different Government department or service specialty, like market marketing, information system, correspondence, public relation, service, human resources, accountant, finance, plan, research and development, with legitimate. The cross function team usually is accused develops the new product or investigates and consummates the entire company's question, if needs to raise the speed and the efficiency, the trans-departmental line or needs to adopt an item of new entire company's computer system. In the cross function team obtains own strength from the multiplicity. What by includes from all or are majority is an organization's major function area, this team can diagnose the question, from the multiple perspectives, simultaneously, guaranteed that all related the angle, is considering the row. This may accelerate solves the question advancement, and causes a result, is accepted easily, receives by each department affects.

These are "group's staff's responsible person one complete, from becomes a body's responsibility wholesale, and regardless of involves to the final product or the process which carries on. "15 are also called the self-guidance, the self-maintenance, or the self-adjustment, the self-control team usually is one by the management, how then gave nearly completely has acted at one's discretion, served its purpose. The self-control team estimated that by is coordinated the direction which they the work provides continues, by manager or manager. Schedules the standard voluntarily from the tube group, causes own plan program, the tenable way, preserves is related



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