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The American Health Care Delivery System

Essay by   •  June 4, 2011  •  275 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,637 Views

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The top three ethics on my list would be honesty, confidentiality, and respect. As a health care provider and a patient these three ethics is what I live by and want in return. The essential component of trust is honesty. I am honest with all involved in my care and I expect them to do the same. The honesty principle extends to issues such as confidentiality of information especially when this information becomes available to someone and does not relate directly to their duties. This is stated in the Hippocratic Oath. I want all my information to be confidential at all times, which I strongly believe is not implemented enough. I have respect for those that care for me and expect respect in return.

Some other ethics that should also guide the continuing change are dignity for humanity, continued study, and the responsibilities to society and to improve the community. No one is perfect, if we were we would not need healthcare, we are all unique and have to figure out how to deal and live with the imperfections of life. That is where the continued study ethic comes into play. Without further research, study, and education we would be doomed for future diseases and illnesses, not to mention the current diseases and illnesses. If we do not use these ethics as a guide to continued change in our health care delivery system then we are not fulfilling the ethics of responsibility to society and to improve our communities.


Fremgen, B (2006). Medical Law and Ethics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.



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