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The Role of Economics in Environmental Management

Essay by   •  March 18, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  1,526 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,256 Views

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Ms. Adona dela rosa         


                                                     Submitted by:

                                                           Honey grace g. moster


  1. Economic Activity

Economic activity is one of the major cause why our world changed and almost in its destruction. The continuous activity results to rapid growth and development of our society, continue to innovate and advance our technology but has a greater effect and impact with our environment and nature. The human continue doing these activities even they know what is the result and what may happen in the future is because in the benefit they earn in this.

Economic activities create economic or financial gain by producing goods or services. The main aim of economic activities is to satisfy human needs. The needs to be satisfied may be present or future. All economic activities, these may be related to business, profession or service, help in earning money income and produce wealth.

This also one of the factor why people continue to work and work is they need to provide their family’s needs and give them a comfortable and healthy lifestyle. Economic activities not only satisfy human wants but also become a basis for economic development of the society. These is for improvements, developments and to produce new product.

Manufacturing, transportation, telecommunication, and synthetic chemicals are responsible both for the highly advanced lifestyle that the society enjoys and for much of the environmental damage it now faces. Economic activities have pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages in our lifestyle and environment but let’s analyze and think carefully about this matter because it is involve in our society, environment and most especially in life. Don’t forget that there is no equal price and value if it’s our safety is in the line.

  1. Individual Contribution to Prevent Environment Problems
  • Reduce the amount of garbage that we produce
  • Avoid cutting down tree. Plant a tree even in your backyards
  • Walk or use bicycle
  • Don’t waste water and energy. Turn it off if not using.
  • Stop using chemicals and sprays.
  • Use 3 r’s; reduce, recycle and reuse.
  • Clean your environment
  • Stop throwing garbage’s
  • Don’t burn the plastic.
  • Stop smoking, cigarettes and motors.
  • Love your environment and your mother earth.
  1. Policy to Solve the Environmental Problem

Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

Economics has much to contribute to this evolution because of interdependence between market decisions and nature. We need to analyze the effectiveness of environmental policy and to develop solutions. All of the policy is applicable and useful for the prevention of environmental problems but I think pollution prevention is the best. I believe that it all start in pollution its means in us who lives here, so that it must start in ourselves.

The major cause of pollution is human activity like in factory can cause both air and water pollution because of the carbon dioxide and chemicals that flows in the sea and river that can kill the corals, fish and the water itself. This pollution results in climate change and global warming that nowadays we experience it. Pollution prevention is a long term strategy aimed by reducing the residual flow or minimizing harmful components such as toxic chemicals that are being released to nature.

By modifying energy consumption, manufacturing, process and product design, the residual flow can be reduced throughout the economic cycle of production and consumption. I know it is a long process and it will take long but we need to do it if we want our future to be safe, for our own sake. We need the cooperation of all of us to prevent the disaster and destruction that might happen. Step by step and by doing small things for our environment if we put together it will become big and have great impact in our nature. Just cooperate and be patient.

  1. Causes, Sources and Scope of Environmental Damage
  • Natural Pollutants- A natural pollutant is a pollutant created by substances of natural origin such as volcanic dust, sea salt particles, chemically formed ozone, and products of forest fibers, among others.
  • Anthropogenic Pollutants- are human induced and include all residuals associated with consumption and production. Including burning fossil fuels, driving cars and trucks, manufacturing, mining and engaging in agricultural activities. Some types of pollution, such as oil spills and mining disasters, produce immediate negative impacts on surrounding environments and ecosystems.

Sources of Environmental Damage

Their mobility (stationary source or mobile source)

  • Stationary Source- a fixed site producer of pollution such as fossil fuel burning power plants, petroleum refineries, petrochemical plants, food processing plants and other heavy industrial sources.
  • Mobile Source- any nonstationary polluting source.

Their identifiability point source or nonpoint source

  • Point Source- any single identifiable source from which pollutants are released.
  • Nonpoint Source- a source that cannot identified accurately and degrades the environment in a diffuse, indirect way over a broad area.

  1. Individual Contribution to Prevent Environmental Damage
  • Tackling climate change by eliminating deforestation.
  • Developing sustainable agriculture and smallholder farmers.
  • Helping consumers use less water, less energy and recycle more.
  • Making manufacturing and distribution more eco-efficient.
  • Advocating for public policy to tackle climate change.
  1. Policy to Solve the Environmental Damage

Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

Actions can be taken every day to reduce your ecological footprint or the mark you leave on your natural environmental and its resources. Preventing damage to the environment has become a way of life for many people, with zero waste, sustainable living and carbon footprint reduction becoming common goals in households and businesses across the nation.



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