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To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

Essay by   •  July 6, 2016  •  Essay  •  991 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,464 Views

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To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, it talks about the childhood of a boy named Jem

and a girl named Scout and their special relationship with a guy called Boo Radley. How is this

relationship special? Well, it’s special because it’s a eternal love relationship. Harper Lee also

considered her novel to be a simple love story, but how is this true? Her novel is a love story

because the love is expressed from Boo Radley to Jem and Scout . Throughout the novel Boo

Radley have done several things that reveals that he loves Jem and Scout. Boo Radley left

treasures, sowed Jem’s pants, gave Scout a blanket when she was outside in the cold, and risked

his own life to save Jem and Scouts’ lives.

Near the beginning of the novel when Jem and Scout passed by the Radley Place, they

found a package of gum in the knot-hole of an oak tree. “Less than two weeks later we found a

whole package of chewing gum, which we enjoyed, the fact that everything on the Radley Place

was poison having slipped Jem’s memory”(80-81). The previous quote reveals that Boo Radley

left Jem and Scout treats that they enjoyed. Boo Radley purposely left the pack of gum in the

knot-hole knowing that Jem and Scout would notice it. So how does Boo Radley know that Jem

and Scout would notice the items that he leaves in the knot-hole? Boo Radley knows that they’ll

see the items that he leaves in the knot-hole because he have been looking at everything that Jem

and Scout have been doing from his house. At the end of the story after Scout accompanied Boo

back to his house, she saw the whole neighborhood from Boo Radley’s house. “There were Miss

Maudie’s, Miss Stephanie’s-there was our house, I could see the porch swing-Miss Rachel’s

house was beyond us, plainly visible.”(373). The quote showed that Scout could see her

neighborhood from the Radley Place, which means that Boo Radley could also see her

neighborhood too. If Boo Radley could see them, then it shows that he also knows when Jem and

Scout would pass by the knot-hole and see the items that he left for them. This shows that Boo

Radley planned ahead to leave treasures in the knot-hole and that Jem and Scout finding the

things that he left are not a coincidence. It proves that Boo love Jem and Scout because he left

them treasures that they would enjoy on purpose.

When Jem and Dill decided to peep through the window with the loose shutter at the

Radley Place to see if they could get a good look at Boo Radley, Jem got his pants stuck in the

fence when they were running away from a shadow that was approaching them. “Show you

when we get home. They’d been sewed up. Not like a lady sewed ‘em, like somethin’ I’d try to

do. All crooked. It’s almost like-”(78). The previous quote show that when Jem went to retrieve

his pants, it was sewed up. So who sewed up Jem’s pants? Well, in the quote it stated that Jem’s

pants don’t look like as if it was sewed up by a lady, which means that a guy sewed Jem’s pants,

and in this case it’s Boo Radley. This shows that Boo Radley love the kids because he sewed up

Jem’s pants even though Jem went on the Radleys’ property without permission. It also shows

that Boo Radley love Jem



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