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Transformation Of Helen In The Miracle Worker

Essay by   •  March 20, 2011  •  4,817 Words (20 Pages)  •  1,839 Views

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My essay is on change and transformation of Helen Keller in the play by William

Italicize who is “they”?

Gibson, The Miracle Worker. In the play, at the begining, they discribe how the parents (Kate Keller and Captain Arthur Keller) found out about Helen's disabilities (blindness

Who is “we”? omit comma

and deafness). And we will map out to near the end of the book, and see the amazing


diffrence between just a few weeks of work from Anne Sullivan. The play takes place in

fragment fragment

Tuscumbia, Alabama. Sometime in the late 1800's I'm guessing. During the Civil War,

Sp run-on comma run-on

thats just a guess, because the Kellers had slaves and it was in the 1800's, also James and Captain Keller were talking about battles. They were talking about them as if the war


wasn't over so that led me to beleive that it was during the Civil War. What does all this nonsense have to do with your theme?!

Caps/no first person one word

In act one, we see the loss of Helen's eye sight and hearing when she is in the crib. The doctor had just finished a few tests and told Cpt. and Mrs. Keller that their daughter was going to live. Cpt. Keller had stepped outside to talk with the Doctor when he heard


Kate scream, Cpt. Keller ran into the room where Kate and Helen were. Kate let out

No comma comma

another loud scream, as Cpt. Keller asked what was going on. She replied saying "She

who? Who? Run-on

can't see. She can't see!" She then stated that she couldn't hear either, she noticed this

comma sp

because when Kate screamed Helen didn't seem to react to it at all. Lets step back for a

run-on comma/who is “it”?

second, as the Doctor and Cpt. Keller are stepping out of the room it said:

"[But throughout, their voices have been dying out of focus, and the image of Kate's face has begun to swim. Music steals in; we hear the music without distortion, but light and sound otherwise are failing. Kate's serene face smiles down with love, blurring in a halo of light, then is a spot, then is gone. Darkness.]"

fragment sp fragment

Which depicts when Helen started to go blind and deaf. Folows is Kate screaming while


the Doctor and Cpt. Keller are talking. And then continues later, about six years later. Kate and Aunt Ev are trying to convince Cpt. Keller to write a doctor. He refuses at first

omit fragment

but finaly does it. This leads to a line of letters from that doctor, to another. And so on till

fragment sp an

it reaches, Dr. Anagnos. Who assigns Anne Sullivan who had just comeout of a operation


to fix her blindness to go and help Hellen. This paragraph makes no sense to me and does not explain what any of it has to do with your theme.

Comma/sp sp in what way?

Between act one and act two their is much diffrence as the story progresses. But

No 2nd person “you” sp omit

you see more of who Hellen is in this act. And the story progresses with the entrance of

comma sp combine

Anne Sullivan. In this act Anne begins to teach Hellen. But she realizes that this is not

Unclear pronoun references

going to be an easy task. She finds that Cpt. and Mrs. Keller have not taught her basic manners. She runs around knocking things over, throwing things and taking food off of

sp omit sp

other's plates. Anne asks to be left alone with Hellen in the dining room, to teach Hellen

sp sp sp

manners. So she works and works, and finaly gets Hellen to Eat her breakfast with a


spoon, and to fold her napkin. She is six and a half about this time, and to them that is amazing.



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