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Transition From Design To Implementation

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Running Head: Implementation Phase of Communication Assets Project (CAP)

Implementation Phase of

Communication Assets Project (CAP)

Sandra Manchor

University of Phoenix


This paper discusses the implementation phase of the Communications Assets Project (CAP) Software Configuration Management (SCM). CAP is an interoperable communications inventory software package. The project manager for CAP has asked for an analysis for software configuration management. This paper includes the six major activities: coding, testing, installation, documentation, training and support. This document is a discussion on the transition from the design phase to the implementation phase.


"In the implementation phase the system is constructed in a series of iterations where each Use Case and component is coded, tested and integrated into the overall system. This phase is performed iteratively following a time line that accounts for all resources and costs" (SCM, 2004). The following six activities are discussed in the subsequent sections: coding, testing, installation, documentation, training and support. Many benefits are seen when using defined and repeatable processes: clarification of roles and responsibilities, clear definition of procedures, demonstrate standards are being met, the same steps can be used to define other processes, and improvement in product design.


"Changes shall be implemented into the code and unit testing and other appropriate software quality assurance and verification and validation processes shall be performed" (Ecco, 2004). Coding will be performed in small increments to ensure the validity of the new system. Small modules will enable SKM to provide CAP with pieces of software which will enable them to test as each piece is coded. The design document will be used continuously during coding to ensure all requirements are met.

Coding in modules also ensures reusable code. As the company's needs grow, the code will be able to grow with it. This will save CAP resources and costs for future endeavors. The coding will be done using MySQL. This program is open source and documentation is provided for its use. According to the MySQL site the following is also available: "MySQL Reference Manual, MySQL GUI Tools, Expert Guides, MySQL Help Tables and Example Databases" (MySQL, 2007). The code will be optimized to reduce run-time and compact enough to run on most systems.


The proposed SCM system is an embedded system. SKM will use CodeTEST to test for memory leaks, software performance, test coverage, and memory allocation. With CodeTEST, the whole program can be monitored and measured with reliable traces provided when memory cache is over-run. This tool includes performance analysis, coverage analysis and memory allocation analysis. Each module will be tested separately, then the system will be tested as a whole over a 6 month period.

Performance Analysis

During performance analysis, such things as memory leaks, bottlenecks or performance issues are found. At this time, potential problems can be addressed and code modified. During development of CAP, the system performance can slow down. The SCM system will not impact the development of CAP. However, if these issues are not ironed out, they may impact the system as a whole.

Coverage Analysis

During coverage analysis, SKM will be able to locate code that hasn't yet been tested and produce a measurement of how complete the tests are. When the tests are run on the SCM system, parts of the production code are run. Using coverage analysis will enable SKM to produce coverage code reports depicting a production code percentage. For example, a module produces 1000 lines of code, during testing only 750 lines of code are executed. This would produce code coverage of 75 %. If only 75 % of the code is being tested, then a test will need to be written that will test the other 25 %.

Memory Allocation Analysis

During this analysis possible memory violations will be detected during testing. The server will require allocated and reallocated memory during processing. Should out of memory errors occur, the design will have to be reviewed and additional memory allocated to the servers and clients.


During the installation phase of implementation, SKM proposes using a parallel implementation. Initially, SKM proposes using a prototype of the system and having 6 key personnel use the system from their desktops. Once these personnel are familiar with the system and are comfortable with it, SKM will introduce a train-the trainer program which will enable these key personnel to return to the workforce and train other employees in their areas.

The new system will be run in parallel with the old manual system. Running the systems in parallel is expected to have no impact on the development of CAP. CAP's IT team will install the hardware on the network during a weekend and run tests on the systems to make sure they are up and running. Should the IT team encounter any problems, it will return the following weekend. SKM has allocated funding should it be required.


During the implementation phase, several documents will be produced to help in the maintenance and support of the system. These documents will be used by CAP's IT team. During testing, user manuals and operational manuals were produced that will help all personnel use



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