Voter Participation
Essay by 24 • December 5, 2010 • 2,615 Words (11 Pages) • 1,207 Views
Voter Participation
The topic I chose to research was the reason people do not vote and how we can make it easier on the American people to vote in elections. The process was quite easy because I looked at a problem that has plagued America since its beginning. The problem facing America is that Americans do not vote in general elections. I looked at a document provided by The Tarrance Group noting how we can make it easier on Americans to vote in general elections. An article by John Dean was also used on why Americans don't vote and how that might be changing. Various documents such as maps and cartograms were used in determining voter turnouts during the 2004 Presidential Election. The focus of this study is to determine how voter turnout can be increased.
Purpose of the Study:
I plan to examine why it is that people do not turn out and ways that will increase voter turnout. People will be questioned and hopefully the answers given will help determine a way to increase voter participation. "A strong majority (59%) of adults indicate that they are either extremely or very interested in elections and politics," but voter turnout is less than fifty percent (Tarrance). I have two questions to be answered in this research design. Why is it that Americans do not vote? And, how can we make easier on Americans so that voter participation will increase?
The importance of this study is to help more people become more politically involved and politically conscious of events dealing with their life. The study will help determine a way to increase voter participation with input from the American voter. I believe with the input of the American voter, voter participation can be increased. "Strong majorities of adults agree with the sentiments that voting should be as convenient as possible (94%), voting is an important civic duty (94%), and that their vote is always fairly and accurately counted (71%) (Tarrance). Fifty-one percent of adults oppose making Election Day a national holiday. Fifty percent of adults oppose moving election day to the weekend. A solid majority (63%) of adults oppose allowing voting via the internet or e-mail. Sixty-two percent of adults favor having Congress enact legislation that makes it easier to vote in federal elections (Tarrance). Some of the top reason that people do not vote are because they just don't care, they didn't like the candidate or the issues, they are too lazy to vote, their vote wouldn't matter, they aretoo busy with other duties, they are frustrated with the government, and their vote wouldn't be counted. These are just a few reasons the American people named for not voting.
The following is a chart provided by The Tarrance Group:
Keeping the current system with Election Day on
Tuesday. 74% 20% 6%
Allowing early voting with no reason needed so that
anyone could vote at a designated location for 21
days prior to the election. 57% 40% 3%
Allowing voting via the mail for a period of several
weeks before the election. 56% 40% 4%
Providing all workers with a half day of paid leave to
go vote. 49% 48% 3%
Making Election Day a national holiday so that most
workers would receive the day off. 46% 51% 4%
Moving Election Day from Tuesday to the weekend -
- Saturday and Sunday. You would be able to vote
ONE time on EITHER Saturday OR Sunday. 45% 50% 5%
Allowing voting via secure e-mail or a secure
website. 31% 63% 6%
The following chart is a series of questions on how to get better voter participation. (Provided by the Tarrance Group)
Making it easier to vote in federal elections would allow
more voters to take part in the most important duty of
democracy - voting. 67% 21% .572
Many state and local communities already have extensive
absentee voting and early voting programs that allow
voters to vote at a time convenient to them during the
weeks before an election. 64% 21% .060
The average worker spends 163 more hours a year on the
job than workers did 20 years ago. Considering these new
demands, Congress should make it easier to vote