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What Is Job Satisfaction?

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What is Job Satisfaction?

When people speak of employee attitudes, they usually mean job satisfaction, which describes a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about his or her job, while a person with a low level holds negative feelings.

Effect of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship behaviours in Service industry

Job satisfaction is a subjective perception and interception of objective characteristics and emotional labour has a positive correlation with Job satisfaction. As the requirement and specification of emotional labour, facilitate employees to handle awkward social situations and helps increasing the job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a key indicator of staff attitude towards work which influences service behaviour. In service industry this is a primary factor as it reduces the employee turnover and absenteeism rates.

Job satisfaction has been correlated with other work related variables such as higher levels of job performance, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship, innovation, motivation, and stress tolerance.

As per the study conducted on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) among Indian Shift works, in general OCB can be captured by seven common themes or dimensions as below –

1. Helping Behaviour:

This involves voluntarily helping others or preventing the occurrence of

Work-related problems

2. Sportsmanship:

This sportsmanship as a willingness to tolerate inconveniences and impositions in the workplace without complaining

3. Organizational Loyalty

This entails promoting the organization to outsiders, protecting and defending it against external threats, and remaining committed to it even under adverse conditions

4. Organizational Compliance

This dimension, which has a long tradition of research in the citizenship behaviour area, appears to capture a person’s internalization and acceptance of the organization’s rules, regulations, and procedures

5. Individual Initiative

Also known as conscientiousness, this is a pattern of going well beyond minimally required levels of attendance, punctuality, housekeeping, conserving resources, and related matters of internal maintenance

6. Civic Virtue

This represents a macro-level interest or commitment to the organization as a whole. Employees display civic virtue by actively participating in the organization’s governance.

7. Self-Development

This includes voluntarily engaging in behaviours to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities

Employees are more likely to display organizational citizenship behaviours when they feel satisfied with their jobs and receive support or benefits (for example, positive work experiences) from their organization or colleagues. This concludes the analysis as “Higher the job satisfaction, higher the OCB level displayed“.

Effect of Job insecurity on Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is an emotional state resulting from the evaluation or appraisal of a person’s experiences at work. Job satisfaction is considered to be one of the most commonly researched attitudinal outcomes of job insecurity. Lower the Job insecurity higher the job satisfaction. (Negatively related)

It’s common and easy to understand the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction, because jobs provide various sources of satisfaction viz financial stability, social contacts, and self-efficacy. In the other way job satisfaction mediates the effect of job insecurity on organizational citizenship behaviour.

Influence of Trait conscientiousness, Leader-Member exchange along with Job satisfaction on OCB

Job satisfaction is considered to be attitudinal correlate of OCB. Meta-analytic research identified, job satisfaction as among the strongest correlates of Leader-Member exchange quality. Higher LMX quality may enhance employee job satisfaction, which may then prompt the employee to reciprocate by demonstrating OCB. Its proved that employees’ use of OCB may not only represent reciprocation for the satisfaction resulting from a higher quality LMX relationship, but may also be used as a means of achieving higher LMX quality and job satisfaction.

Impact of role-stress on Job Satisfaction

In the literature, role conflict and ambiguity which is the main source of role-stress have been proposed as determining factors of workers’ job satisfaction and their commitment towards the work and organization. Job satisfaction results from the emotional response to the events that employees experience in organizations and hence is the strongest predictor of one’s intention to leave the organization. Role stress is thus seen as a clear determining factor of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction determines the level of commitment towards the organization, rather than vice versa

Impact of Commitment on Job Satisfaction

A study was conducted to identify mediating role of affective commitment and continuance commitment on the relationship between the facets of job satisfaction and the dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour. The results indicate that -

(a) affective commitment has a partial mediating role on the relationship between job satisfaction with work itself and altruism

(b) affective commitment has a perfect mediating role on the relationship between job satisfaction with company policies, supervisors and promotion, with work itself and with fellow workers, and civic virtue

(c) different facets of job satisfaction have different impact on affective commitment and continuance commitment

However, it is asserted that not all facets of job satisfaction and organizational commitment dimensions have positive impact on all dimensions on organizational citizenship behaviour. It is identified that even continuance commitment has negative effect on sportsmanship




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