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Why People Switch Job?

Essay by   •  March 4, 2011  •  1,157 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,435 Views

Essay Preview: Why People Switch Job?

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The prime objective of this survey report is to explore those reasons which lead the employee to job switching. Generally questionnaire was based on both open and close ended questions. Focuses were given on the following areas.

Ð'* Principal reasons for leaving the job

Ð'* Top five reasons that lead an employee decision to leave the organization

Ð'* Top five items which are important to employee

Ð'* Employee assessment on supervisor / management

Ð'* Employee assessment on working conditions

Besides the above some other open / close ended questions were also included in the questionnaires which were focused on;

Ð'* Proper induction & training

Ð'* Discrimination / harassment

Ð'* level of support received from your line manager

Ð'* job expectation

Ð'* working environment

Ð'* employment experience

We will now discuss these focus areas and see what is important to employees while switching job.

Principal reasons for leaving the job

The following principal reasons were included in the questionnaire.

1. Personal Reasons

2. Family Needs / Responsibility

3. To Continue Education

4. Moving

a. To accept other Employment

b. To relocate with Family

c. To be closer to family

5. Retirement

a. Early

b. Normal

When asked the employees, 8 out of 10 respondents' i.e 80% said that they switch the job because they are moving to other organization for better prospects while 10% switched the job due to personal reasons and the remaining 10% switched the job due to education continuation / completion. We can say that the prime reason for job switching is the movements of employees from one organization to other because of better prospectus.

Top five reasons that lead an employee decision to leave the organization

In this section the following reasons were included.

1. Working conditions

2. Co-workers / team

3. Actions by my manager

4. Lack of action by my manager

5. Actions by top management

6. Lack of action by top management

7. Distribution of work assignment

8. Compensation issues

9. Salary / Benefits issues

10. Dissatisfied with job

11. Lack of challenge / Career advancement / job growth

12. Lack of promotional opportunities

13. Insufficient training

14. Inadequate equipment/ tools/ support

15. Poor communications (mostly from __________________)

16. Lack of job security

17. Not appreciated / lack of recognition by my manager / supervisor

18. Dissatisfied with Organizational Culture

19. An offer I couldn't refuse

20. Other, please specify ___________________

21. Other, please specify ___________________

22. Other, please specify ___________________

Employees were asked to rank top five reasons to leave the organizations by giving 1 to top most and 2 to next top most reason and so on. We have analyzed this part in two ways. One is the most important reasons choose by maximum employees and second the ranked given to this reason. A statistics show that most important reason chooses by employees is the salary / benefits issues. A simple statistics based on total number of responses given to each reason are given below which may help to understand this.

S.No. Reasons Total Response

1 Salary / Benefits issues 10 8

2 Lack of challenge / Career advancement / job growth 10 7

3 Dissatisfied with Organizational Culture 10 5

4 Lack of promotional opportunities 10 4

4 Lack of job security 10 4

5 Working conditions 10 3

5 Lack of action by top management 10 3

5 An offer I couldn't refuse 10 3

The above statistics indicates the top five reasons which were ranked from 1 to 5 by the respondents'. In these top five reasons the reason ranked 1 and then 2 and 3 can be determined from the following chart.

S.No. Reasons Response Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

1 Salary / Benefits issues 8 1 1 3 2 1

2 Lack of challenge / Career advancement / job growth 7 3 1 2 1

3 Dissatisfied with Organizational Culture 5 1 3 1

4 Lack of promotional opportunities 4 2 1 1

4 Lack of job security 4 1 3

5 Working conditions 3 2 1

5 Lack of action by top management 3 1 1 1

5 An offer I couldn't refuse 3 1 1 1

The above chart shows that most employees "Lack of challenge / Career advancement / job growth" and "working conditions" ranked #1 among their top five reasons while majority ranked



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