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Wooded Headnedness

Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  711 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,357 Views

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Human nature dictates that wooden-headedness is prevalent in our decisions and actions. Belief in ones self in invincibility, self-aggrandizement and superiority are acts of wooden-headedness. Throughout history, and during our lifetime, this prevalence is seen through the quasi failures of our leaders before us. Leaders such as Napoleon Bonaparte and our own president George W. Bush have all acted foolishly due to wooded-headedness. But it is not only our leaders who are consumed by wooden-headedness most of us are at fault as well.

In 1799, after a tumultuous insurgency filled with murder and revolt, the Little General, Napoleon Bonaparte was elected First Consul of the new French Republic. A decade later Napoleon and France controlled most of continental Europe through conquest and alliance. Out of wooden-headedness Napoleon continued his self-aggrandizement, and that of his country, by invading Russia in his winter campaign of 1812. Thinking he was invincible he invaded the brutal weather and tough terrain of Russia, extending his supply lines as he progressed. Within months Napoleon's once "invincible" army was depleted to little then nothing, losing four-hundred thousand men in the process eighty-thousand due to disease and sickness alone. After his defeat in 1813 at Leipzig, the Allies invaded France and forced Napoleon to abdicate where we was exiled to Elba. As Europe was resolving its conflicts at the Congress of Vienna, Napoleon escaped and started his comeback which was known as the hundred days. Napoleon

accumulated an army and invaded Waterloo a city in present day Belgium. There he met his "Waterloo". Yet again he was exiled, but this time under close supervision of the British where he spent the rest of his six years of his life. Due to Napoleon's wooden-headedness France was left in turmoil and was diminished to less than a quarter of Napoleon's once powerful nation.

In 2001 our nation was left in disarray. Terrorists had successfully stagnated the American life and instilled fear within its citizens. Our president George W. Bush without thinking of the full repercussions; an act of wooden-headedness, declared war on the country of Afghanistan in 2002. Within months thousands and thousands of troops were sent to eradicate the terrorist threats and instill democracy in the Muslim controlled country. The task was harder than expected and thousands of soldiers have died in the process. After disbanding the Taliban and sending the remaining threats to the mountains the United States of America declared war on Iraq in 2004 through yet again acts of wooden-headedness. The USA and United Nations



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