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Corporate Social Responsibilty

Essay by   •  February 13, 2018  •  Essay  •  1,212 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,071 Views

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I. Rationale

Business organizations incorporate environmental, economic and social concerns into their culture, values, strategy, decision making and operations in an accountable and transparent style and, therefore, leading to better creation of wealth, an improved working environment and better practices in the organization. The government and media observe the organizations to account for social impacts of their actions. Thus, the use of Corporate Social Responsibility has emerged to be one of the top priorities for various leaders or managers.

The Banate National High School is a public high school located at Banate, Malungon, Sarangani Province. The school caters the educational needs of the residence of Banate and other far flung barangays. Cebuano and Tagakaolo composes the students of the school.

II. Objectives

The Corporate Social Responsibility activity targets the following objectives:

  • The school will be able to promote a social responsible community that is concern with the welfare of its students particularly the Tagakaolo Tribe.
  • The head, faculty and staff of the school will become an instrument in promoting compassion through teaching and aiding any assistance towards the Tagakaolo Tribe.
  • The stakeholders, PTA officers and parents will be a tool in bridging the gap between the community and Tagakaolo Tribe.
  • The students will understand that cultural diversity is not a hindrance to benevolence.
  • The Tagakaolo Tribe will strive to provide their children the education that they truly deserve.

III. Target Area / Respondents

The Banate National High School is located in Barangay Banate, Malungon Sarangani Province. The school is surrounded by other Barangays which the Tagakaolo resides. The school stressed the importance of preserving cultural heritage. The Corporate Social Responsibility activity will focus on the Tagakaolo Tribe especially those from far flung areas who need financial support and intellectual enhancement towards the value of education.

IV. How the Activity is done/Procedure

        The ability of communication is a key medium to reach the Tagakaolo Tribe by understanding its origin, values, tradition and culture serves as a mechanism in creating a relationship. In connection, a representative of the school will visit and learn about the life of the Tagakaolo Tribe. The representative will discuss the importance of education in one’s life and in preserving the tribal governance and customary laws. Assessment of the impediments that hinder the tribe in sending their children to school will be stressed out.

        Results of the exposure will be discussed to the head, faculty and staff of the school. By means of this, an effective dissemination of the activities will be conducted to the entire school community.

The activity is composed of the following:

  • Semi-annual visitation of the Tagakaolo Community and encouraging the parents and students about the value of education.
  • Providing a basic learning through imparting of reading, writing and numeracy skills.
  • Gathering and giving of donated school supplies and other basic needs to the Tagakaolo students from the school community and other donors before the school opening.
  • Showcasing the culture and promoting the product of the Tagakaolo Tribe during the Foundation Anniversary of the school.
  • Since the school offers a lot of livelihood skills through the Senior High School Program, selected teachers will conduct a seminar and workshop.
  • Collaboration with the Local Government Unit in providing the financial assistance through livelihood projects.
  • Yearly exposure of the students through outreach program.
  •  Looking for a family that will cater a Tagakaolo as a working student.

V. Impact to the Stakeholders/Beneficiaries

        The CSR activity results a substantial impact to the overall resources of the entire school community. As a consequence, the school can expect a higher number of enrollees. The budget of the school’s Maintenance and Operating Expense basically depends on the number of enrollees which means that the higher the number of enrollees, the bigger the budget. The school will be able to improve its vicinity especially in the reparation and restoration of the existing facilities by the additional budget. The school can also request for an additional building to cater the escalating number of population. The activity establishes a culture of acceptance, resilience and respect that will result in the prevention of Tagakaolo Tribe students being bullied. It promotes a peaceful community where respect and appreciation manifest.



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