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Employee Satisfaction Survey

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ÐŽ§To know how employees perceive their work environment and experienceЎЁ

Employee Satisfaction

Research Report


6020 - Jitendra Kumar Dash

6039 - Praveen Cecil K.

6040 - Pravin Noronha

6051 - Sushil M Bhatia

6052 - Tushar Laxman Raibagi

XPGP DUBAI 2006-2009

Batch 5

Under the expert Guidance of Dr. D Israel

24th July 2007

Table of Content

Introduction 3

Synopsis and Inference of data: 5

Concepts: 5

Factor Analysis: 5

Factor loadings: 5

Total variance: 5

Factor score: 5

Communality: 6

Factor rotation: 6

Hypothesis: 6

Inference 7

a) Descriptive statistics 5

b) Correlation 5

c) KMO and BartlettÐŽ¦s level of significance 8

d) Communalities 8

d) Total variance table . 9

e) Rotated Component Matrix 9

Conclusion 10


SPSS Output Report 11


Employee satisfaction surveys provide the information needed to improve levels of productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty. There is a direct link between employee satisfaction and financial results. Employees with higher job satisfaction believe that the organization will be satisfying in the long run, care about the quality of their work, are more committed to the organization, have higher retention rates, and are more productive.

Organizations can identify the root causes of job issues and create solutions for improvements with an accurate perspective of employee views. There is a need to discover what motivates people, what drives loyalty, and what genuinely makes and keeps your employees happy. Satisfaction levels will increase when employees know that their issues are being addressed. This research has been undertaken with objective of: Finding the areas of employee satisfaction or in other words what are the factors that employees deem important to him/her. Analyzing and identifying the key factors that will achieve employee satisfaction to optimum levels.

Thus we set out to use Factor Analysis to identify the attributes that appeal to the employees in any organization. Due to the limited time constraint we could manage a sample size of 91 people in various organizations in Dubai. A questionnaire consisting of 12 questions were sent to numerous people. Some failed to revert back in time. However we did manage to prepare a report based on the responses we received. The respondents were asked to indicate their assigned importance to each of the following statements:

„П Clear Policies from Top Management

„П Level of communication between staff and management

„П Optimistic about the future of the company

„П Proud to work with the company

„П Opportunity for Career advancement

„П Professional learning and growth

„П Bonus & incentives

„П Overall Salary Structure

„П Job coaching and training from your supervisor

„П Manager's appreciation for your performance

„П Facilities conducive to work

„П Team Spirit at work place

The data collected in Excel Sheets, was consolidate in Excel and later was ported to SPSS. Then a output report was prepared from SPS which helped us in our interpretation of the data collected. Details you will find in the subsequent sections.



Factor Analysis:

Objective is to summarize the information contained in a large number of variables in to a smaller number of factors to discern the underlying dimensions and regularity in phenomena.

Factor loadings:

These represent the set of correlation of original variable with the factor. It is a measure of importance of each variable in measuring each factor.

Total variance:

In addition to factor loading Percentage of total variance of the original variables is explained by each factor and the cumulative percentage of the factors shows the total percentage of variance explained by the sum of these factors. This is equivalent to R SQUARE in multiple regressions.

Factor score:

Each individual observation has a score associated with each of original variables. Factor score represent each observations calculated value or score on each factor. The factor score represents an individualÐŽ¦s combined response to several variables representing the factor.


Shows how much a variable has in common with all factors. A relatively high communality indicates that a variable has much in common with other variables taken as a group.

Factor rotation:

How many factors will be in problem solutions .This is a complex question as there can be more than one possible solution to any factor analysis problem depending on factor



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