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Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal Communication

What are the basic principles of Interpersonal Communication? There are four basic principles of Interpersonal Communication and they are inescapable, irreversible, complicated, and contextual ( In this paper we will talk about the three basic principles that we use to communicate with each other in one way or another. For example Interpersonal Communication can occur when two people are talking to each other, they can communicate using verbal or non verbal language.

Interpersonal Communication is something that we all use in our daily lives. This could be something as simple as asking someone for direction in the street or meeting someone at a bar or restaurant. The simple fact of just talking to another person can be considered Interpersonal Communication. In our society many people take communication for granted and some even go as far as isolating themselves from other people.

The truth is that Interpersonal Communication is inescapable. This means that even if a person would try not to communicate with anyone else, he or she would still be sending out a message ( There many forms of communication that people use in a daily bases and sometimes we communicate in ways that we do not even realize. For example sign language is a form of communication that people that are deaf-mute use every day. This form of interpersonal communication is very common in our society and it is form of communication that many of us take for granted.

Another form of sign language is used by the United States Military. This is call Hand and Arm signals. Hand and Arms signals are used when troops are moving vehicles, aircrafts and small boats in the water in a small or crowed area. They are also used to maneuver troops in the battle field into different formations or to just communication a quiet manner. Many Police Department also train in the use of hand and arm signals. This form of communication can help them engage or supersize a suspect that is being aggressive.

Interpersonal Communication is very important, and it is inescapable. We all have to communicate with other people. Sometimes hand gesture, posture, and facial expression can be considered forms of communication ( For example if you ask a child or another person if they are hungry and the respond shaking their head, that would normally mean no. This is something that we can all relate too, because I am sure that we have all done it at one time or another.

The second form of interpersonal communication is irreversible. This means that once you say something it cannot be taken back. I think is something that we can all relate to because we have all had arguments with family member. When we get mad or upset at a person we sometimes say things that we should not or that we really do not mean. But the reality is that once we say something it because irreversible. This can something affect a relationship with the people that we love and care about.

Another example of something that a person can say or do that is irreversible, is testifying in court. I have had to testify in court a few times and it can be a very stressful experience. I have had to testify in court a few times in my career. One of the things that I think about and that I am very careful in doing is watching what I say and how I say it. Everything that is said in a court room under oath is considered part of the official court record. This means that I would lie or make a mistake it is hard to come back and correct it.

In other words when we say something good or bad we can never take it bad again. This does not mean that everything that comes out of our mouth is irreversible, because interpersonal communication it not just speaking to another person. A simple had gesture can sometimes have the same negative effects that verbal communication has. For example if I was walking in a hallway next to my boss, and I asked to speak to him and he gave me a hand gesture to go away. This hand gesture more of a negative effect than him saying no to me. This happened to me a few weeks ago and it made me very mad, because I considered it to be a form of disrespect. Since this incident happened I have not been able look at me boss with the same respect that I had for him before this incident.

Another example of say something irreversible is threatening a person or in this example me. A few months ago I arrest a 19 year old kid for smuggling drugs into the United States. When we went to court he was convicted and sentence to prison. After the trial I was walking out of the court room and this kid's father comes up to me and he begins to threaten me. I know that the man was upsets because his son was convicted and sentence to prison. So I really did not want to file any charges, but the judge over heard the man threatening me and decided to file the charges for me.

I know the man was angry because of his son, so did not really feel that he was a threat to me, but the judge did take this threat very serious. After the man was interviewed by the FBI, he stated that he really did not mean what he said at the time and that he wished that had never said anything. I also talked to the man and he told me that he was angry and that he never met to threaten me. I do believe that this man was just mad and that he said the wrong thing at the wrong place, but the judge did not want to take any chances. The man was convicted of threatening a Federal Agent and he was sentenced to 180 days in jail. This was something that was said in anger and in a very loud tone of voice. Once the threats came out of this person's mouth, they could not be taken back and he had to face the consequences of his actions.

The third form of interpersonal communication is complicated. This means no form of communication is simple ( In other words every form of communication has certain things that make it different and unique from each other. This is what makes communication so complicated and unique in every culture. Every culture has their own way of communicating with each other. Even people that are deaf and blind communicate with each other through sign language and Modifications. This means that some people that are deaf that are hard of hearing will communicate with each other using the American Sign Language or an English-based sign language (

According to the American Association of the Deaf-Blind, not all people that use sign language communicate in the same way ( Using sign language can be very complicated even for people that are very experience in using it. This is because many of them have different vision problems and they sometimes have to



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