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Knowledge and Truth

Essay by   •  March 22, 2017  •  Essay  •  590 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,072 Views

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In the world of George Orwell’s 1984 Oceania was divided into three classes, which was introduced as the inner party, the outer party and the proles. Proles make up at least 85% of the population while they served as labor workers who receive very little education. They are controlled and monitored by people in the inner and outer party. I believe that in order to understand the function of the inner and outer party and the amount of control they have, you must first understand who the proles are and there function in society. The Outer party is the middle class structure of Oceania, usually members of the outer party work in various ministries implemented by the needs of the inner party. The outer party is primarily made up of more educated people than proles, they are responsible for the outer party as well as the proles are viewed worst off because of the living conditions they are forced to live in.

The inner party represents a small group of people in Oceania seen as the elite. They regulate the thought police as well as the outer party members. The inner party experiences a better quality of life than the average Oceania citizen, meaning they are offered better living arrangements as well as the ability to shut their telescreens off for a limited amount of time. O’Brian is George Orwell’s inner party members although is title giggle isn’t clear he seemed to have a close relationship with the big brother. O’Brian represents the party and there contradictions and punishments they spread. His biggest function throughout 1984 is giving the reader a face to the inner party. Without O’Brian the inner party and the workings of the inner party they’re would still be a mystery. Even through various torture methods inflicted on Winston in the ministry of love O’Brian still wants to protect Winston and save him and his thoughts.

Now, that we understand the basic inner workings of Oceania parties we can further analyze O’Brian. O’Brian represents the inner party actions throughout the novel so we can link the actions of O’Brian throughout 1984 and view them from a philosophical lens.

Book three



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