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Low Self Esteem

Essay by   •  April 19, 2011  •  286 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,240 Views

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Low self-esteem is the most common element surrounding ALL eating disorders. Many of those who have suffered a high amount of social rejection have gotten to the point where the do not like whom they are. They become extremely insecure. They think that they are too ugly. They think that they are too fat and because of this they want to change themselves. Change their physical appearances.

Did you know that more than 90% of girls from 15-17 want to change at least ONE aspect of their physical appearance? Females are the worst suffers of low self-esteem and therefore there are is a huge amount of females with eating disorders. But it isn’t just the females; the males also have eating disorders. Though, the difference between the two is wide. There is a ratio of 7million females to 1 million males who have eating disorders. 10 percent of these are under the age of 10 and 33 percent of these are only between the ages 11 and 15! I’m sure you would agree with me when I say, that’s incredibly young!

Due to low self-esteem many people have become bulimic. Low self-esteem can lead to bulimia. Those with bulimia are overwhelmed with their emotions and to conquer this they punish themselves for what others have said about them. They will binge and purge. They will eat excessive amounts of food in a relatively short period of time. Soon after this they will make their way to the bathroom and either take laxatives or begin the process of self-induced vomiting just to get rid of the food they had just eaten. Their weight will fluctuate, within normally 10 to 15 pounds below or above normal body weight.



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