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Essay by   •  July 4, 2011  •  1,391 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,081 Views

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Malls are getting more and more spreading in cities and in people’s life and culture. Some believe that malls destroy people’s habits, and affect their purchasing behavior. Actually, malls increases people purchases more than their usual needs. However, malls have an important positive side that a majority of people consider in their purchasing behavior. They are contributing greatly to the economy of the country as well as to the well-being of every citizen. First, it provides jobs for young people and students; it offers them higher benefits than the ones provides in simple jobs. Also it offers them a higher social status among others working in restaurants or small shops. In addition, the prices of goods and services experiences great discounts thanks to the competition between brands and the different choices provided. Another Advantage that it is offered by shopping in malls is the social and cultural benefits it provides. People can meet each other and even know new people. Also it is a mean for entertainment for parents, teenagers and also children. In addition, people can find the newest products their and be open to the international ones. Even though malls demolish people’s culture, they are contributing much to the economical and social life of the consumers.

Malls provide great opportunities that contribute tremendously in the economical sector. First, malls offer different types of jobs to young people through part time jobs or permanent ones. This can improve greatly the economical situation of this generation by helping them be independent from their parents as well as to provide them with a financial source for their studies. Actually, it is considered the best way to keep away from unemployment, and to provide funds for living. Malls offer many positions such as security agents, sales persons, cashiers. Also it provides positions in the marketing department, selling and purchasing department, and finance department. Therefore, students can get the positions that best match their background and help them practice their theoretical knowledge learned in college. It gives them a higher social status, and it requires special skills and characteristics to get a job in malls compared to other standard part time job. As a result, students feel more comfortable working part time job in malls than in restaurants or others, so they can perform better and lead to more profit for the mall that will affect positively their salaries. Moreover, Malls give higher salaries than the one given in small shops, and also it awards its employees with some interesting benefits to keep up with their performance such as giving them allowance after achieving some level of sales per month. These economical benefits led the young generation prefer working in malls rather than other sectors. Another economical benefit of malls is the increase in competition between companies. Actually, different types of products of different brands are places in shelves regarding their importance and the level of sales they achieved. The marketing manager of the mall is the responsible of taking decisions in the placement of brands in different shelves. Therefore, companies tried their best to improve their product by promoting a different attribute from what other companies promotes. On one hand, they would decrease the price of their product by offering discounts to the consumers in order to attract more people and hence achieve higher sales. On the other hand, they would improve the quality of their goods and services to increase their customer’s loyalty and hence get more profit.

Malls also are the best place that provides great social benefits. First, it is a mean of entertainment for all social groups. It contains cafÐ"©s and restaurant for families who want to spend good moments in the day and to take a rest from their shopping. In addition, it affords facilities for parents who have babies by letting them in crÐ"Ёches while doing their shopping. Babies are best treated their and parents can shop without getting bothered by their children. Also for children that are more than three years old, malls provide for them means of entertainment by playing electronic games and even getting gifts for winners. Also, teenagers consider malls their preferable place for hanging out and taking a coffee together. As Gruen and Smith claimed in their article “shopping towns USA,” “if the shopping center becomes a place that not only provides suburbanites with their physical living requirements, but simultaneously serves their civic, cultural and social community needs, it will make a most significant contribution to the enrichment of our lives” (408). Therefore, malls are considered an amazing way of entertainment for both parents and their children. In addition, malls give the opportunity to meet people we know or make new ones. There are some extremities to that point for some people who got married by knowing each others in malls. This is just to clarify that most of people shopping in malls tolerate discussion easier than other place, and of course this fact varies from person to another. In addition,



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