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Project Report

Essay by   •  June 14, 2011  •  3,082 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,991 Views

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The language in which all Project Reports are written will be English. This manual also assumes that every Project Report will demonstrate effective communication skills. It is the responsibility of the student that the Project Report demonstrates clarity, correctness, and organization.

Characteristics that a Project Report will demonstrate are:

* The establishment of a historical context for the presentation of an innovative and creative approach to the problem analysis and solution.

* A clear understanding of the problem area as revealed by analysis and synthesis of a broad literature base.

* A well-defined research design.

* Clarity in composition and careful documentation.

Students should consult the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for complete style information (reference format, table and figure layout, special language, numbers, abbreviations, etc.).

Print Requirements

1. Text must be set in 12-point Times New Roman.

2. All Project Reports must be clean and carefully reproduced; pages that are crooked or that have grey edges, streaks, or spots are not acceptable.

3. All type must be sharp, clear, and unbroken. Visible differences in quality or contrast of print resulting from a faulty or worn printer are unacceptable

Paper Requirements

The original publication copy may be printed on regular A4 sheet.


1. The text of the document must be justified.

2. The left and right margin will be set at 1.25". The top and bottom margin will be set at 1".

4. A subheading at the bottom of a page will be followed by at least two full lines of type. If space does not permit two lines plus a 1" margin, the subheading will begin on the next page. Similarly, a new paragraph toward the bottom of a page will run for at least two lines or be started on the next page. The final few words of a paragraph will not be continued on the next page. At least two full lines of type are required to continue a paragraph on the next page.


1. Each page must be numbered, with the exception of the Title Page, which counts as page i but does not show a number.

2. The preliminary pages--including the Abstract, Copyright Page, Faculty Guide Approval Page, Acknowledgement, Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures--will be numbered with lower-case Roman numerals (ii, iii, iv, etc.) centred 0.83" from the bottom edge of the page. The first page that will show a page number is page ii.

3. All remaining pages--including text, illustrations, appendices, and references--carry consecutive Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). The page number will be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the page, right aligned, 0.83" from the top edge and 1" from the right edge.


1. The text of the document will follow line spacing of 1.5".

2. Exceptions are made for the following material, which will be single-spaced:

Table and figure captions

Tabular material as necessary

Appendix material as appropriate


Centred material is to be centred between the left and right margins.


The first line of all paragraphs of running text will be indented 0.5".


1. Citation forms must be consistent with the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

2. All Project Reports will have a References.

Tables and Figures


1. The word "Table" is used for tabular data in the body of the Project Report and in the appendices.

2. The word "Figure" designates all other illustrative material used in the body and in the appendices, including, for example, graphs, charts, drawings, images, and diagrams.


1. All figures and tables, including numbers and captions, will fit within a 6" by 9" area in order to comply with margin regulations.

2. Where material for figures and tables is too large to fit within margin requirements, it may be reduced either by xerography or by means available to the word processing programs (reduction of point size in fonts). Care must be taken that the final reduction be clear and legible.

3. Page numbers, table titles, and figure captions must be the same size as the rest of the text (not reduced).


1. Tables and figures that must be positioned horizontally (landscaped) will face the outer edge of the page, with the widest margin at the binding edge.

2. Tables and figures less than one half-page in length will be included on the same page with the text whenever possible, separated from the text above or below by double spacing. If they exceed a half-page in length, they will be placed on a separate page. Two or more small tables or figures may be placed on a single page.

3. Table numbers and titles will be consistent with APA format.

4. Figure numbers and captions will be consistent with APA format.

5. The placement of the table or figure does not affect the position of the page number.


1. Tables and figures appearing in the body of the paper must be referred to in the text, and will follow as closely as possible the first reference to them.

2. Tables and figures are numbered in separate series. Each table and figure, including any in the appendices, has a number in its own series. Each series is



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