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The Primary Mission of Colleges and Universities Should Be Preparing Students for the Workforce. Do You Agree with This Idea?

Essay by   •  December 24, 2016  •  Essay  •  418 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,769 Views

Essay Preview: The Primary Mission of Colleges and Universities Should Be Preparing Students for the Workforce. Do You Agree with This Idea?

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Salman Akbar


Prompt number 3 : The primary mission of colleges and universities should be preparing students for the workforce. Do you agree with this idea? Justify what you think people want more than anything else

According to the U.S department of labor, 53.6 percent of bachelor’s degree holders were either jobless or under employed. The four years of education, countless assignments and unforgiving exams, bore no fruit for either the economy of the country or the people themselves. This needs to change, Colleges should aim to empower the work force so that the students that graduate are always well equipped to face any adversity inside the workforce and over perform.

When we talk about the importance of preparation for the workforce, we first need to understand why being in the workforce for today’s people is important. First of all, lack of READINESS for the work force will result in unemployment. And unemployment gives a HUGE blow to an individual’s social wellbeing and mental health. Being jobless for a while can cause MASSIVE psychological disorders amongst people, studies show that one in every 5 graduate is diagnosed with some degree of depression due to their joblessness. Imagine serving drinks at the back of a bachelor’s degree, the only path left to choose for one would be partial or complete isolation, which in turn puts a dent on the society as a whole. In the long run it causes even more harm, eventually more people will end up jobless after their college degree which will demotivate other onlookers to even pursue a degree as it will appear to be a waste of money and 4 years. Consequences like these hold a great threat to our society’s future if thought about and hence need to be amended

Secondly, the workforce of any country adversely affects its economy. Income and wages increase across the economy when production per capita increases. If any country aspires to be economically strong and stable, it needs people who are skilled in their profession and thriving for constant advancements in their respective fields. Employers need students who are ready to go from day 1. If colleges and universities started holding courses that were designed to complete the pre-requisites of a great professional job, then the economy will get a huge boost and it’ll work out in favor for everyone involved. Colleges hence, can affect the demographics of a country if only a few amends and reforms are made concerning their policies and objectives of what they want to achieve.



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