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Time Management and Its Relevance to Productivity of the Selected Abm Students at Marcelo H Del Pilar National High School, S.Y 2016-2017

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Time Management and its Relevance to Productivity of the Selected ABM Students at Marcelo H del Pilar National High School, S.Y 2016-2017

Kathleen Jewel Eleazar

 Caila Monique Carpio

 Samantha Ivy Carlos

 Gemie lyn Vivas

 Erica Perez

Jasper Jake Mendoza  

 Amyr Ferrer



Marcelo H del Pilar National High School

Senior High School

A research paper submitted as a requirement in Applied Research I, to Rosita A. Elopre, MAR, Subject Teacher Oct. 2016

Chapter One


  1. Introduction

Senior High School is a new step forward for the students of Marcelo h del Pilar National High School who successfully passed grade 10 in Junior High School. This new curriculum contains a variety of tracks and each track has different strands. Students’ allotted subjects increased and so do their tasks for each of it, so if their priorities are not organized enough together with their given time, their productivity will decrease , hindering them from obtaining academic success.

 One of these strands is the ABM Strand where us, the researchers, belong. The main idea of this research is from our observation. We observed that the students from this strand are always cramming up to meet deadlines, affecting their work performance negatively even though they were given enough time to finish their tasks. There’s a load of activities that these students shoulder  and an effective time management is a need among these students to be productive and to have a well performance to achieve academic success.

1.2 Background of the Study

We cannot control time but we can learn to use it more efficiently and effectively by planning carefully. Time management is an important way of how the students could manage their time effectively on parting their school duties and other chores. Effective time management doesn’t mean being busy all the time but having a more effective functionality. The failure of time management results inefficient work flow, poor work performance and missed deadlines. In good handling of your time, you would not experience the failures of poor time management instead, you’ll gain the productivity, that the time management offers.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the students’ habits that can cause poor time management?
  2. How important is time management among the selected ABM-C students’ productivity?
  3. What are the strategies to manage their time well?

1.5 Significance of the Study

Time management is an important act for organizing tasks for the betterment of performances and its results. It is necessary especially when a certain person has a load of tasks to do and organized priorities are a must to not just accomplish few activities but a set of other activities rather. This research will benefit the ff:

Students. This study aims to help the students to know their habitual time management and what is the negative and positive effects of it. By this study, students would also learn about the most effective strategies on how they could productively manage their time to gain academic success.

Parents. All the parents’ hard works will be paid off because their children will be responsible enough about their school  duties to fulfil the academic success that they are dreaming of of their children. Their children will also have extra time for their family.

Teachers. Their allotted activities for the students will be passed on their given due date.    

1.6 Scope and Delimitation

This study will only take research for the students’ habits that can affect their time management and the strategies they can use to organize their time well. This study covers the selective students of   ABM-C students of Marcelo H del Pilar National High School along academic year 2016-2017.

Chapter Two

Review of Related Literature

2.1 Time Management

We are given an equal amount of time , just right for the things that we must accomplish every day for a week, in a month, for the whole year. Davis et al (1977) stated that time management simply means to  manage your time effectively to accomplish your goals. To manage means to take control over your priorities or important things that must be done throughout the given time duration. Time management is not about getting more things done in a day. It is about getting the things that matter most done, said Adeojo (2012) in her research study.

Being busy all the time doesn’t mean that you’re maximizing your time. It (time management) is a meta-activity with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary  condition of a limited amount of time (Wikipedia). We only have 24 hours a day and if we spend our time on being busy for an unimportant and few amount of works, we’re not maximizing our time but wasting it rather. If we could prioritize the things that must have been done and set of other things to be accomplished, then we could say that we are being productive. The main goal of time management is to give us a productive work ethic and based on Merriam-Webster Dictionary, productive means doing or achieving a lot; working hard and getting good results; producing or able to produce something especially in large amounts; causing or resulting in something.

Time management are referred to business, work activities, personal activities or even school activities etc. It is stated in (site) that time management often involves children monitoring their own efforts and actions, having an appropriate sense of urgency to complete assignments, and having the ability to efficiently follow step-by-step procedures. An effective time management helps the students to be free from cramming on activities, assignments, and projects from rushing on meeting the proposed deadline. Besides from school duties, students also have a lot of  household tasks , church tasks etc.  Davis et al (1977) stated that the word effectively, is the key to proper time management – to effectively manage the time allotted for all of your activities, not just study time or class time. It means that students who effectively manage their time accomplish not only their school duties, but a set of other activities that are not school related, as well.



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