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Why Get Divorce

Essay by   •  December 16, 2010  •  1,134 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,100 Views

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Define divorce and reasons why marriage ends in divorce.

Many marriages, because of haphazard decisions come to a crashing end. Even though God forbids divorces, legal systems provide spouses with ways they can breach the lifetime agreement. The definition of divorce sometimes become unclear since some spouses decide to live as a separated couple, but divorce is defined as a judicial declaration dissolving a marriage in whole or in part or an agreement that releases the husband and wife from all matrimonial obligations.

This paper will discuss possible reasons for couples to result in divorce. In the Bible, the only reason that a man would have a good reason to divorce his wife was because of adultery, abuse or abandonment. Now spouses can be divorced for trivial reasons.

Grounds for divorce vary widely among countries and states, but the trend has been toward easier grounds, such as irreconcilable differences.

Ð'* Partial Dissolution- is when the couples become legally separated. This is a divorce of the two couples living in the same home. It is a decree of judicial separation. The two parties are still legally married but they are forbidden cohabitation.

Ð'* Total Dissolution- This is the term generally meant by divorce. It is to be distinguished from a decree of nullity of marriage, or annulment, which is judicial finding that there never was a valid marriage. Since marriage was created by contract between two couples, this means the parties cannot dissolute themselves. Couples cannot officially terminate or end the martial relation without the court.

Why does marriage end in divorce?

When a man or woman walks away from a marriage, their actions may leave family and friends doubting their sanity and questioning their motives. What is often crystal clear to the person who leaves is lost to those who remain. Some marriages begin for wrong reasons. Perhaps, it is an unexpected pregnancy that binds together two ill-prepared and unsuited people. Sometimes it is too soon before the dating "masks" comes off to reveal the true people beneath. Or it's "the right thing to do" because each feels an obligation to family or some other motivation that has nothing to do with lifetime commitment between two people. Perhaps, it was a spur of the moment decision because "everyone else" was doing it. Here are some of the reasons why marriages end in divorce.

1. Adultery- Adultery is the voluntary sexual intercourse or sexual action between a married person and someone other than there lawful spouse. If the husband and/or the wife commit adultery they can legally divorce the offending spouse.

In Matthew 5:31, Jesus says that God does not allow divorce except in cases of "porneia" which is a Greek word most often translated as "marital unfaithfulness." The Bible says that adultery is prohibited by God (Exodus 20:14); and the intention to commit adultery is also prohibited(Mathew 5: 27,28). Adultery is a "right-away" for divorce but it is not necessary or commanded (Mathew 5:32; 19:9; Luke 6:13).

The Bible also refers to adultery as a sign of national decay (Hosea 4:13). It was a basis for capital punishment under the Mosaic Law (Leviticus 20:10).

2. Communication Problems: Communication Problems is one of the main reasons of divorce. Lack of communication can lead to other social problems such as incompatibility or drifting apart, emotional abuse, dishonesty, or abandonment. Communication is the key to success in a relationship. Without communication a relationship will fall apart.

3. Incompatibility / Drifting Apart: Incompatibility happens in relationships when the couple's goals, children, or other interests are placed as a higher priority than the marriage committed. The couple then becomes indifferent with each other. Thus, the term "we have grown apart" becomes one that is commonly used.

4. Sexual Incompatibility: Sexual incompatibility is when the husband or wife cannot satisfy or pleasure his or her partner. The lack of this sexual necessity may cause a spouse to go and look else where for sexual pleasure that may meet his or her standards.

5. Addictions: Spouses confront problems of addiction everyday in an era where drugs has become apart of some people's basis to operate normally. People are more depressed now because there are more material things that



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