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First year read essays and research papers


406 First year read Free Essays: 351 - 375

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Last update: October 26, 2016
  • Two Contrasting Feminist Views on How to Address Pornography in Keeping with First Amendment Rights

    Two Contrasting Feminist Views on How to Address Pornography in Keeping with First Amendment Rights

    Krabill Nicole Krabill Professor Withrow English 102 19 June 2017 Two Contrasting Feminist Views on How to Address Pornography in Keeping With First Amendment Rights The allowance of pornographic distribution has been a long disputed issue in the United Sates. It has been brought into question whether or not pornography should be protected under the First Amendment freedom of speech rights. The reason its protection is in question is because the Supreme Court does not

    Essay Length: 1,141 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: July 15, 2017
  • The Half-Truth of First-Mover Advantage

    The Half-Truth of First-Mover Advantage

    ________________ The Half-Truth of First-Mover advantage The article by Fernando Suarez and Gianvito Lanzolla talks about how being the first mover is not always advantageous but depends on several factors to be successful in being a first mover. There are a less proportion of fast followers failing than the first movers because of the adaptation and adoption of the technology or product innovation by the first mover. The value of first mover depends on two

    Essay Length: 1,092 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: September 21, 2017
  • A Doll’s House - Explore Ibsen’s Presentation of Nora in the First Act of the Play

    A Doll’s House - Explore Ibsen’s Presentation of Nora in the First Act of the Play

    Explore Ibsen’s presentation of Nora in the first act of the play. ‘A Doll’s House’ is a play by Henrik Ibsen, in which Nora Helmer is the main protagonist. In the first act, we are shown the complexity of Nora’s character as we learn more about her varied characteristics. Nora is introduced as a middle-class, irresponsible mother and while all this remains true, as the act goes on we see that she is much more

    Essay Length: 1,356 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: September 30, 2017
  • Case Reading Notes: Orit Gadiesh: Pride at Bain & Co.

    Case Reading Notes: Orit Gadiesh: Pride at Bain & Co.

    Orit Gadiesh, Vice Chairman of Bain & Co. trying to find a way to renew company’s former “collective pride spirit and sense of community.” Management consulting had its ups and downs, and suffered a lot during recessions. Bigger companies merged a lot, and Economist predicts that the consulting companies that will suffer the most are those that can’t afford to merge with other companies that have the abilities they lack. Bain & Co. was founded

    Essay Length: 254 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: October 1, 2017
  • Soci 210 - Reading Response - Chapter 1

    Soci 210 - Reading Response - Chapter 1

    Reading Response #1 Sociology has three core focuses of study. The first area is social inequality which involves differences between people or groups of people within a society that puts certain factions of the society at a disadvantage. (Corrigall-Brown, 2016) The disadvantages incurred through social inequality restricts an individual or group of individuals’ opportunities in life. Grabb defined social inquality as “Differences between people that are consequential for the lives they lead, most particularly for

    Essay Length: 1,201 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: October 2, 2017
  • How the Brains Learns to Read

    How the Brains Learns to Read

    HOW THE BRAIN LEARNS TO READ 4 Running Head: HOW THE BRAIN LEARNS TO READ 1 How the Brain Learns to Read Name Institution The brain is composed of mainly three parts which are the brainstem, cerebellum and cerebrum. Brainstem consists of medulla, pons and midbrain. It connects cerebellum and cerebrum to the spinal cord and performs numerous automatic body activities such as heart rate, body temperature, breathing, digestion, swallowing, coughing, vomiting and sneezing. Most

    Essay Length: 1,495 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: October 10, 2017
  • 10 Year Goal by Min Ye

    10 Year Goal by Min Ye

    10 Year Goal By Min Ye Long-term goal: To be a professional market research analyst in a TOP 50 market research company who collect the most useful market information for my clients to make optimal business decisions. Short-term goal: Work in the marketing department of a global company in two years after graduation in US. SWOT * & presentation skills ※ Introspection plan Year 1-Fall semester * Study hard in coursework and lay solid academic

    Essay Length: 654 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: October 24, 2017
  • Identify Three Things That You Could Do This Year to Enhance Your Employability and Build Skills

    Identify Three Things That You Could Do This Year to Enhance Your Employability and Build Skills

    Personality, skills and values assessment Identify three things that you could do this year to enhance your employability and build skills 1. What do I want to do Firstly, by taking serious consideration about what it is I want to spend the rest of my life doing. This year more than ever before it has become clear to me that different careers benefit from different personalities and skills and that it will help me in

    Essay Length: 738 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 7, 2017
  • Should Animal Farm Be Read In English one?

    Should Animal Farm Be Read In English one?

    12-14-16 Should Animal Farm be read in English One? Should Animal Farm be required in english one? Some students and teachers say that the book helps people in the long run of your high school English career. Others believe that the book doesn’t help very much more than any other book that is read in class. After looking at both sides of the argument, I believe that the book should stay being taught in English

    Essay Length: 348 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 7, 2017
  • Reading Reflection-Motivating Salespeople: What Really Works

    Reading Reflection-Motivating Salespeople: What Really Works

    Reading reflection-Motivating salespeople: what really works The article by Thomas Steenburgh and Michael Ahearne discussed about a better approach to make compensation plan. How to compensate salespeople is always at or near the top of the list of problems met by sales executives. A company’s salesforce are made of stars, laggards, and core performers .Thomas Steenburgh and Michael Ahearne suggested that they should be motivated by different facts of compensation plans. Core performance, as the

    Essay Length: 431 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 13, 2017
  • 12 Years a Slave Movie Review

    12 Years a Slave Movie Review

    12 Years a Slave Film Review In the late 1800’s, slavery was one of the most popular forms of racism. White men, known to slaves at their masters, owned slaves and treated them as if they were a form of property or livestock. The slave owners tortured and forced African Americans to work for them. The director of the movie, Steve McQueen, directed the film 12 Years a Slave in 2013, along with screenwriter John

    Essay Length: 1,042 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 14, 2017
  • Article Summary - 40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra

    Article Summary - 40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra40 Years of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary to the Sports Bra

    Newsome Ashley Newsome Professor Clay Smith ENC1101.OR1 18 October 2017 ICE 3 My Summary of “40 Years Of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary To The Sports Bra” In “40 Years Of Athletic Support: Happy Anniversary To The Sports Bra,” Jane Lindholm explains the creation of the sports bra. To do so, Lindholm describes how Hinda Miller and Lisa Lindahl came up with design of a sports bra. They knew they had a problem, Miller reported “I

    Essay Length: 567 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 19, 2017
  • Evaluation of a Reading Through Critical Analysis

    Evaluation of a Reading Through Critical Analysis

    Muhlisa Nazarova Simon Kelly English ESL 711 September 20, 2017 Evaluation of a Reading through Critical Analysis “The Fortune Traveler: Shuttling between Communities and Literacies by Economy Class” In “The Fortune Traveler: Shuttling between Communities and Literacies by Economy Class,” Suresh Canagarajah writes his essay based on his experiences as a bilingual speaker. Bilingualism refers to a situation when a child grows up and know two distinct languages. He came to United States from Sri

    Essay Length: 830 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 26, 2017
  • How Far Was the First Red Scare Difference to the Second Red Scare

    How Far Was the First Red Scare Difference to the Second Red Scare

    How far was the first red scare difference to the second red scare. They were a big difference between the two red scare as in the first red scare and the second red scare. The first red scare was in 1919 -1920 after the Russian revolution. A lot of American worker when on strike to campaign for better working conditions and better wagers. In this time the communist party of America (cpusa) was founded and

    Essay Length: 348 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 28, 2017
  • The Economic Effect of an Event That Happens once a Year

    The Economic Effect of an Event That Happens once a Year

    The Economic Effect of An Event That Happens Once a Year. The Super Bowl is a season-ending championship game that is hosted by the National Football League (NFL). On measures, the Super Bowl is the most popular sporting event in the United States. The average price of the 2011 Super Bowl was $900. Many people can spend thousands of dollars just on tickets. It is the most watch program in the United States every year.

    Essay Length: 733 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 6, 2017
  • If Youtube Existed 200 Years Ago

    If Youtube Existed 200 Years Ago

    Borgwardt Thomas Borgwardt Dr. Albers Sociology 301 October 12, 2017 If YouTube Existed 200 Years Ago The internet has become a worldwide necessity to almost everyone currently living on earth. Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone that doesn’t have access to the internet at almost all times inside the United States. I believe Karl Marx would view the internet as beneficial in some ways, but in other ways he would see it as harmful to

    Essay Length: 1,764 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2017
  • Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year

    Lunar New Year (Tet holiday) The first week of January, Tan, who was born and grew up in the same country with me, celebrated his six-month anniversary of studying abroad in the US. Like me and other international students, he comes here to seek opportunities to get better education for a brighter future. Although he said in a surprising voice, “Half a year passed by just in the blink of an eye”, it is also

    Essay Length: 859 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2017
  • Modernism in Art + True Cost Button Pushing Reading Report

    Modernism in Art + True Cost Button Pushing Reading Report

    1512QCA Brandon leewd1701 Design is extremely crucial in human civilisation, it is an establishment of a plan or convention when constructing an object, system or measurable human interaction. Diverse kinds of objects may be designed, from a thing as small as a nail to an enormous, stunning architecture, even methods or processes of designing. Rand (1947) once mentioned that “Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple

    Essay Length: 1,453 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 17, 2017
  • Forming First Impressions

    Forming First Impressions

    Forming first impression is kind of an automatic process; an implicit thinking that is effortless, habitual, and without awareness. Even if we don’t want to judge someone that easily but this is how our mind works. First impression guides our actions in ways that meet our needs both concrete rewards and connectedness to people. Our knowledge of people’s characteristics and the ways they are related to one another is a type of COGNITIVE REPRESENTATION. So,

    Essay Length: 1,205 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: December 29, 2017
  • My First Experience with the Carnival Rides

    My First Experience with the Carnival Rides

    My first Experience with the Carnival Rides in my childhood was on a Ferris Wheel at a Local Fair. Ever Since that initially impression became fossilized in my Imagination many years ago, these rides have reminded me of Amazing Dinosaurs carrying of these screaming & shouting passengers. Even the droning sound of their engined brings me like the great roar of fire breathing Dragon with smoke from its exhausted-pipe nostrils.The First rides on these fantastic

    Essay Length: 600 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 4, 2018
  • All the Years of Her Life by Morley Callaghan

    All the Years of Her Life by Morley Callaghan

    In the short story “All the Years of Her Life” by Morley Callaghan, parents don’t always blatantly exhibit their affection for their child but no matter what their child does they will always love them no matter what. A good parent is someone who is always there to support their child with unconditional love and display that they love them by making sacrifices for his or her child financially and emotionally. Another characteristic that

    Essay Length: 297 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 7, 2018
  • An Emotional Reading of Dostoyevsky's "the Brothers Karamazov"

    An Emotional Reading of Dostoyevsky's "the Brothers Karamazov"

    When I first read Dostoyevsky, I was about fourteen. His most known novel, "Crime and Punishment" was my first acquaintance with him. The reason that I refer to this book and that point of my own history is actually the feeling that I have after ten years of my lifetime. This feeling is remembrance; sensibility and contemplation of the same kind even after many different experiences that I have had. Dostoyevsky has the power to

    Essay Length: 413 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 29, 2018
  • Analysis of Warren Montag’s “the ‘workshop of Filthy Creation’: A Marxist Reading of Frankenstein”

    Analysis of Warren Montag’s “the ‘workshop of Filthy Creation’: A Marxist Reading of Frankenstein”

    Kinney Parker Kinney Mrs. France English 2H 20 February 2017 Analysis of Warren Montag’s “The ‘Workshop of Filthy Creation’: A Marxist Reading of Frankenstein” When confronted with conflicts, our instinctual reaction is to repress the trouble for it is both easy and seemingly sensible. However this avoidance of confrontation results in the inevitable return of the conflict. This subject of repression and reemergence is explored in Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein in which a young scientist

    Essay Length: 1,458 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 6, 2018
  • Pols 320: First Nations Politics

    Pols 320: First Nations Politics

    POLS 320: First Nations Politics Film Response Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo 101904 Geraldine King November 13, 2017 Native unrest has been manifested from coast to coast in major resistance movements denouncing the exploitation of Indigenous territories as a result of dysfunctional treaty relations and international trade agreements. How one is taught to know the natural world determines the dynamic relationship he has with its fundamental resources, land and water. By analyzing the films Trick or Treaty? and

    Essay Length: 1,325 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 21, 2018
  • 50 First Dates Movie Review - Ethical Dilemma

    50 First Dates Movie Review - Ethical Dilemma

    Alexandria Rutowski GSR 240 2.12.2018 Dr. Lewis 50 First Dates: Movie Review It’s not often someone’d fall in love with someone that has retrograde amnesia. Out of all the people in the world, it’s definitely not often that the person would be Henry. I have mixed feelings about the movie; both good and bad. The film is about a woman, Lucy Whitmore, that got in a car accident and received a serious head injury. Retrograde

    Essay Length: 1,015 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 3, 2018

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