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Concept Paper

Essay by   •  May 1, 2012  •  2,656 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,283 Views

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Concept Paper

A concept paper is an articulated overview of the doctoral student's proposal for the research paper and precedes the research proposal. The research study the researcher discusses and proposes in this concept paper is how to improve communications in large information systems. The concept paper proposal is a qualitative research study. The components of the concept paper draft include the problem statement, the purpose of the study, the qualitative method, design, populations, geographic location, research questions, and a non-qualitative variable explanation.

Problem Formulation

Problem Statement

The research problem is identifying how to improve communication between autonomous agents in multiagent systems using collaboration and research management of network protocols. Identifying how to improve communication between autonomous agents, which are small software programs, in multiagent systems enable large information systems to communicate and implement routine processes without human input. This new technology has communication issues that affect the communication process between autonomous agents that concern information system technicians because autonomous agents do not always communicate properly. The autonomous agent communication issues cause improper communication signals between autonomous agents in the information systems, which have a negative impact on the productivity of the information systems. This qualitative case study will enable the researcher to obtain insight into how to improve communication between autonomous agents in information systems. Random sampling of information technology technicians will enable the researcher to obtain participants with expertise in autonomous agents, information systems, and the communication issues with autonomous agents in information systems. The qualitative data obtained from surveys and interviews with the sample populations will enable the researcher to observe the participants verbal and nonverbal communication enabling the researcher to obtain insight into how to improve autonomous agent communication in information systems. The results from the research study will enable the researcher to understand and determine how to improve autonomous agent communications in information systems.

A previous research study by Druckenmiller and Acar (2009) discusses an agent-based collaborative approach to autonomous agent communication in information systems. The research study reflects that collaboration is necessary to improve the communication processes between autonomous agents in large information systems by developing a prototype that displays autonomous agents using collaboration to communicate in information systems. The research study results reflects that using an agent-based collaborative approach when developing autonomous agents for information systems improves the communication processes between autonomous agents in information systems (Druckenmiller & Acer, 2009). The Druckenmiller and Acer (2009) research indicates that further research is needed to enable the researcher to develop a hypothesis on how to improve communication processes between autonomous agents. Improving communication between autonomous agents in information systems will improve the productivity of the information systems because inconsistent communication and communication errors between autonomous agents slows information system processes and performance.

Iyer and Huhns (2009) discuss issues related to how resource management of network protocol communications of autonomous agents in multiagent systems. The various aspects of resource management of autonomous agents in multi agent systems includes autonomous agents in multiagent system communicate without the need for human input. Autonomous agents are small software programs that enable multiagent system communication the artificial intelligence needed to communicate and make decisions autonomously without human input.

The communication process in multiagent systems with autonomous agents is possible through network protocols that enable the communication process to occur between autonomous agents in the multiagent system. The requirements to ensure the success of communications between autonomous agents in multiagent systems include protocol allocation procedures, protocol standards, and resource standards. Adherence to standards and procedures is essential to the effective communications between protocols in multiagent systems and is a concern for software engineers (Iyer & Huhns, 2009).

A second issue in the communication process of autonomous agents in multiagent systems is the need for two-dimensional resource sharing. Currently, resource sharing for autonomous agents in multi-agent systems is one-dimensional causing communication issues in multiagent systems. Developing a platform within a multiagent system in which resource sharing for the autonomous agents is two-dimensional will improve the communications process between autonomous agents in multiagent systems Iyer and Huhns (2009).

Iyer and Huhns (2009) conducted the research and concluded that autonomous agents need to communicate effectively in multi-agent systems through resource management of network protocols. Resource management of protocol allocation procedures, protocol standards, and resource standards has a definite impact on the communications process in autonomous agents programmed into multiagent systems. Furthermore, implementing two-dimensional resource sharing in multiagent systems in which proper resource management of protocol allocation procedures, protocol standards, and resource standards occurs further improves the communications process of autonomous agents in multiagent systems.

The researcher believes the authors did an excellent job of explaining the research problem, the background to the research problem, the research, and the research results. The literature review for the research appeared sufficient with a sufficient amount of references to support the research problem and the research study. Jones (2010) discusses how technology promotes change and enables organizations to embrace technological change. Furthermore, the open system-thinking paradigm promotes flexibility within organizations, and encourages change within the organization, including technological change (Scott & Davis, 2007). The article stresses that flexibility and embracing new technologies is imperative for the success of my research project, which is improving communications in multiagent systems. This research study will extend beyond known technologies and processes and alternative methods of improving communication among autonomous agents in multiagent systems. The two studies tie together



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